and sustainability

We have been established as an Italian”Benefit Corporation” since we pursue carrying out our business activities for common benefit. We intend to operate responsibly, sustainably, and transparently towards people, the environment, and the community.


Governance evaluates a company’s overall mission, engagement around its social/environmental impact, ethics, and transparency.
We adopt a governance model aimed at fostering the creation of long-term sustainable value and a virtuous collaboration between the company and stakeholders.


We consider human resources to be a key asset of the company’s assets and are accordingly committed to:

  • create and maintain a safe, peaceful, positive, and stimulating work environment for every employee and collaborator;
  • promote a culture of equality, gender equality, and diversity protection;
  • spread the culture through constant high professional training both internally and through highly qualified external facilities;
  • pay special attention to the issues of health and psycho-physical well-being by dedicating special company spaces to recreational activities;
  • implement meritocratic policies for professional growth and distribute rewards and bonuses parameterized to the actual business economic results achieved.


We are committed to satisfying our customers according to high quality standards, conducting relations with high professionalism, helpfulness, and fairness, in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. As part of our relationship with Clients, we train our staff and associates so that positive and lasting relationships are maintained, resulting in consultancy work of the highest profile, with the sole purpose of improving and making the Client’s business efficient, bringing it competitive, organizational, in full compliance with current regulations.

We pursue the expected common benefits by:

  • donating a percentage of net profits, defined year by year by the Board, to charitable initiatives and support for non-profit organizations
  • publicizing charitable initiatives of third-party associations and entities.


We are aware of the consequences that every action can have on the environment, we are committed to:

  • give preference to suppliers who, in the conduct of their activities and in the supply of their products, have adopted standards and certifications regarding respect for the environment and sustainability;
  • ensure the proper disposal of both special and recyclable waste and promote the dissemination of the culture of sustainability;
    give preference, where possible, to the use of recyclable and compostable materials to reduce the Company’s own environmental impact.

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Leone Di Sebastiano

Creative Ground